Monday, November 18, 2019

Summery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summery - Essay Example meet the demand and supply, the company seems to be running on well – oiled wheels and ceasing to use these contractors would naturally throw the company into jeopardy since they are dependent on them. The changes I would make with regard to managing contractors would be to monitor them more closely. I would still maintain a very pragmatic approach, but at the same time I would introduce a couple of simple rules regarding their dealing with Unions and attitude towards Child Labor. I would initiate the use of a specialist in the field of quality maintenance and this would not only involve the checking of goods but also the maintenance of a conduct register for the staff working for the contractors. I would also open a grievance cell in each of these companies to address the grievances of the workers. With regard to our own plants, I would try to upgrade them to the latest technology to ensure better output. I very strongly feel that a good HRM team could work wonders for the company. I view this as a very important factor because an excellent HRM team could work towards making the company self reliant instead of being dependent on other companies at least for a major part of their demand and supply of goods. A good HRM team could also put an end to some of the breaches of trust faced by many of the companies by supplying them with Strategical ideas that are not only innovative but also effective. I feel honored at being appointed as the Operations Director for this multi-national company and I want to assure you of my unstinted hard-work, commitment, efficiency and my complete support when dealing with the different facets of this esteemed company. I must say that I feel rather confident in accepting this high- level post because of my good educational background and intensive and extensive training that I had gone through. I do have an extensive background of working in this industry as I have prior experience working in Operational Management roles for

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