Friday, November 1, 2019

Juvenile Justice Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Juvenile Justice Laws - Essay Example "Juvenile justice workers fulfill a dual role: a public safety and accountability role, which involves the management of youths' behavior, and a rehabilitation and youth development role, which involves mentoring and coaching youths in pro-social skill development. This duality is a source of frustration as well as opportunity among the juvenile justice workers." (Howe, Clawson, and Larivee, 2007, p 35). Therefore, an effective juvenile justice worker has great scope for assisting the society through the management of the behavior of the youths as well as helping the rehabilitation and youth development through mentoring and coaching youths in developing various pro-social skills. In other words, for juvenile justice workers to work within the field of juvenile justice means a way to contribute to the development of the society as well as the correction and rehabilitation of the youth. One of the fundamental duties of the juvenile justice workers is make sure that the young offenders follow all the strict rules and laws that apply within this field and the effectiveness of a juvenile justice worker depends on how competently he carries out this duty. It is essential to comprehend that juvenile justice falls into the area of corrections and human services work which offer these workers the opportunity of helping the society and the youth. In ensuring the strict obser

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