Friday, October 18, 2019

E-Business Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

E-Business Master - Case Study Example The firm has approximately 153 stores across Britain; the number of its employees has been estimated to 21,500. The last 8 months the firm's profitability was reduced under the influence of the global financial crisis; however, signs of recovery of the firm's performance have been identified - see also the performance of the firm's shares for 2008 and 2009 in Figure 1 - Appendix. Characteristics of corporate website In general, the website has the structure of a B2C (business to customer) system, i.e. a system used for the selling of products/ services to the website's visitors (customers). The information included is available to the website's visitors - the communication with customers seems to be the priority for the system's developers. The characteristics of the corporate website could be summarized as follows: the entrance and navigation in the specific website is quite easy - the material included has been appropriately categorized, in terms of speed the website can be characterized as extremely effective, images are used as possible to highlight the content - especially regarding the products available, communication with the customers is highly supported - telephone numbers are available for all organisational departments One of the most important advantages of the firm's website is the fact that the information provided covers a wide range of issues including the firm's products and services - those currently available to the public, the existing vacancies in various organisational departments - including the terms of employment in the firm, the firm's financial performance, the firm's environmental policies, the methods of payment available for online orders of products/ services and the firm's culture and...The last 8 months the firm's profitability was reduced under the influence of the global financial crisis; however, signs of recovery of the firm's performance have been identified - see also the performance of the firm's shares for 2008 and 2009 in Figure 1 - Appendix. In general, the website has the structure of a B2C (business to customer) system, i.e. a system used for the selling of products/ services to the website's visitors (customers). The information included is available to the website's visitors - the communication with customers seems to be the priority for the system's developers. The characteristics of the corporate website could be summarized as follows: One of the most important advantages of the firm's website is the fact that the information provided covers a wide range of issues including the firm's products and services - those currently available to the public, the existing vacancies in various organisational departments - including the terms of employment in the firm, the firm's financial performance, the firm's environmental policies, the methods of payment available for online orders of products/ services and the firm's culture and mission. Up today, the firm's managers have tried to keep the firm's performance almost intact from the international crisis; in the feature the ability of the firm to face the threats developed would be evaluated in ac

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